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The Institute for Ethical AI & Machine Learning Joins LF AI

By October 9, 2019No Comments

The LF AI Foundation welcomes the The Institute for Ethical AI & Machine Learning (IEAIML), joining the LF AI as an Associate member. 

IEAIML carries out research into processes and frameworks that help guide AI and ML development. The UK-based institute is led by cross functional teams of volunteers including ML engineers, data scientists, industry experts, policy-makers and professors in STEM, Humanities and Social Sciences. 

LF AI is excited to gain IEAIML contributions to two core efforts in particular: The first is the ML Workflow with the goal of defining a standardized ML pipeline that includes ethics management and providing a reference implementation using LF AI hosted projects. This would encourage integration across LF AI projects and also help create harmonization across the stack. The second is supporting the Trusted AI committee which focuses on translation of the various ethics guidelines and policies into tooling for fairness, robustness, explainability and lineage. 

In addition, LF AI will be collaborating with IEAIML on improving the LF AI Foundation Interactive Landscape based on surveys of open source ML projects that IEAIML has conducted and provided on GitHub.

“We are thrilled to contribute to the LF AI foundation which plays a key role in empowering the global ecosystem of developers to build and extend systems in a responsible, ethical and conscientious way,” said Alejandro Saucedo, Chief Scientist, The Institute for Ethical AI & Machine Learning. “LF AI provides a very important forum that will support the development and extension of professional responsibility frameworks, codes of ethics, standards and beyond.”

Supporting open source AI development is one key element of IEAIML’s mission which aligns well with the LF AI. IEAIML sees increasingly tough challenges around privacy, security and trust relating to the application of AI systems. Ethical frameworks and industry standards will play a critical role, and developers and decision-makers will need to have the right tools to ensure these are in place. IEAIML believes open source will play a key role in ensuring these tools and frameworks exist, which is a main factor for IEAIML joining the LF AI.

IEAIML Resources

  • The 8 principles of responsible ML development – A high level set of principles to empower delivery teams to design, develop and operate machine learning systems in a professionally responsible way
  • The AI Procurement Framework – A practical set of templates (RFP, RFI) to empower industry stakeholders to assess and evaluate the maturity of machine learning systems based on IEAIML’s 8 principles
  • Production Machine Learning List – A list of open source libraries maintained by the community that the IEAIML community is looking forward to contributing to the LF AI ecosystem

Contact IEAIML directly and join the Ethical ML Network (BETA) here:

LF AI Resources


  • Andrew Bringaze

    Andrew Bringaze is the senior developer for The Linux Foundation. With over 10 years of experience his focus is on open source code, WordPress, React, and site security.

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