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LF AI & Data Day ONNX Community Virtual Meetup – March 2021

By February 4, 2021No Comments

The LF AI & Data Foundation is pleased to sponsor the upcoming LF AI & Data Day* – ONNX Community Virtual Meetup – March 2021, to be held via Zoom on March 24, 2021.

ONNX, an LF AI & Data Foundation Graduated Project, is an open format to represent deep learning models. With ONNX, AI developers can more easily move models between state-of-the-art tools and choose the combination that is best for them. 

The virtual meetup will cover ONNX Community updates, partner/end-user stories, and SIG/WG updates. Thanks to Baidu and Ti Zhou who volunteered to be the host for the workshop. If you are using ONNX in your services and applications, building software or hardware that supports ONNX, or contributing to ONNX, you should attend! This is a great opportunity to connect with and hear from people working with ONNX across many companies. 

Registration is now open and the event is free to attend. Capacity will be 500 attendees. Please see the event schedule below and also visit the event website for up to date information on this virtual meetup.

8:00 AM China (Thur 3/25)  
5:00 PM PT/USA (Wed 3/24)  
Event Kickoff – Agenda Review
Host: Ti Zhou (Baidu)

ONNX Progress Update
Speakers: ONNX Steering Committee
Prasanth, Harry, Jim, Joohoon, Sheng
8:25 AM China (Thur 3/25)  
5:25 PM PT/USA (Wed 3/24)
Community Presentations – Agenda Review (10 minute short talks)
Host: Ti Zhou (Baidu)

popONNX: Support ONNX on IPU
Speaker: Han Zhao (GraphCore-UK)

Spring Project:Multi Backend Neural Network Auto Quantization and Deploy over ONNX
Speaker: Yu Feng Wei (SenseTime-HongKong)

ONNX Runtime for Mobile Scenarios: From model to on-device inferencing
Speaker: Tom Wildenhain (Microsoft-USA) and Scott McKay (Microsoft-Australia)

Introduction to DL Framework PaddlePaddle and Paddle2ONNX Module
Speaker: Wranky Wang (Baidu-China)

ONNX on microcontrollers
Speaker: Rohit Sharma (AITechSystems-USA_CA)

Monitoring and Explaining ONNX Models in Production
Speaker: Krishna Gade (FiddlerAI-USA_CA)

ONNX client for Acumos
Speaker: Philippe Dooze (Orange-France)

Deploy ONNX model seamlessly across the cloud, edge, and mobile devices using MindSpore
Speaker: Leon Wang (Huawei-China)

ONNX Runtime Training
Speaker: Peng Wang (Microsoft_China)

Quantization support for ONNX using LPOT (Low precision optimization tool)
Speakers: Haihao Shen (Intel – China) and Saurabh Tangri (Intel)
Contact: Rajeev Nalawadi (Intel-China)
10:15 AM China (Thur 3/25)
7:15 PM PT/USA (Wed 3/24)
SIGs and WGs Updates – Agenda Review (10 minute talks)
Speaker: Ti Zhou (Baidu)

Architecture/Infrastructure SIG Update
Chair: Ashwini Khade (Microsoft)

Operators SIG Update
Co-Chairs: Michał Karzyński (Intel) and Ganesan Ramalingen (Microsoft)

Converters SIG Update
Co-Chairs: Guenther Schmuelling (Microsoft), Kevin Chen (Nvidia), Chin Huang (IBM)

Model Zoo/Tutorials SIG Update
Co-Chair: Wenbing Li (Microsoft) and Vinitra Swamy (Microsoft)

Q&A and Discussion

Want to get involved with ONNX? Be sure to join the ONNX-Announce mailing list to join the community and stay connected on the latest updates. You can join technical discussions on GitHub and more conversations with the community on LF AI & Data Slack’s ONNX channels.

Note: In order to ensure the safety of our event participants and staff due to the Novel Coronavirus situation (COVID-19) the ONNX Steering Committee decided to make this a virtual-only event via Zoom.

*LF AI & Data Day is a regional, one-day event hosted and organized by local members with support from LF AI & Data and its Projects. Learn more about the LF AI & Data Foundation here.

ONNX Key Links






LF人工智能与数据基金会很高兴欢迎您参加LF人工智能与数据日*-2021年3月ONNX社区虚拟⻅面会. 本次活动将于中国时间3月25日通过Zoom视频会议在线举办. 本次活动主题为LF人工智能与数据基金会的已毕业项目ONNX.

本次活动将涵盖ONNX社区更新、合作伙伴/终端用户故事以及SIG/WG更新. 感谢百度和周倜主动担任本次研讨会的主持人.

如果您在您的服务和应用中使用了ONNX,正在构建支持ONNX的软件或硬件,或者正在为ONNX做贡献,请务必参加!这是一个与众多使用 ONNX 技术的公司人员会面和交流的好机会.

注:由于新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)的情况,为了确保我们的活动参与者和工作人员的安全, ONNX指导委员会决定在Zoom线上举办此次活动.

*LF 人工智能与数据日(LF AI & Data Day)是由当地成员主办和组织的为期一天的地区性活动,得到 LF 人工智能 与数据基金会及其项目的支持. 在这里可以了解更多关于LF AI与数据基金会的信息.

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  • Andrew Bringaze

    Andrew Bringaze is the senior developer for The Linux Foundation. With over 10 years of experience his focus is on open source code, WordPress, React, and site security.

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