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Updated LF AI Project Proposal Process and Lifecycle Document

By September 3, 2019No Comments

Download the new and improved ​“LF AI Projects: Process and Lifecycle​” (PDF) to learn the process of submitting your open source project for hosting under LF AI Foundation!

The LF AI Foundation is releasing today an updated version of its Project Process and Lifecycle document, a little over a year since we had our first version in August of 2018. Over the past year, we have welcomed four new projects to the Foundation (Angel, EDL, Horovod and Pyro) and went through the on boarding process with each one of them. As a result of these experiences and various incoming feedback, we realized there are many improvements opportunities to be made. We took action and the outcome is an improved document that better describes the various stages of the projects, explains how a project transitions from one stage to another, and a detailed description of the various ways we support the project.

If you are interested in hosting your open source AI/ML/DL project in the LF AI, please review the document and email us via We’re eager to help and discuss with you such possibilities.

For further reading, please visit these pages:


  • Andrew Bringaze

    Andrew Bringaze is the senior developer for The Linux Foundation. With over 10 years of experience his focus is on open source code, WordPress, React, and site security.

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