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We are thrilled to announce the merger of two of our current working groups under Generative AI Commons: the Generative AI Model and Data and Application areas. This strategic merger aims to enhance collaboration and accelerate our efforts in the rapidly evolving field of Generative AI.

The newly formed workstream is named the Models, Applications, & Data (MAD) Workstream. This group will meet at 11:30AM ET biweekly on Thursdays, starting August 15.

Why We Are Combining The Working Groups

Generative AI (GenAI) encompasses various technologies, including models, data, and applications. By merging these two technical working groups, we aim to create a unified approach that fosters deeper collaboration, enhances knowledge sharing, and drives innovation. The merged workstream will continue to build thought leadership and create collaboration opportunities within the GenAI landscape.

Objectives for the Remainder of 2024

As we move forward with this merger, our focus will be on the following key areas:

  • Understanding the GenAI Models, Data, and Application Ecosystem

Our first objective is to comprehensively understand the GenAI solution stack and its surrounding ecosystem. We will identify potential open-source projects for LF AI & Data that align with this understanding. The deliverables for this objective include:

  • Defining the GenAI Landscape: We will create a detailed landscape encompassing the Model, Data, and Application components of Generative AI. This will serve as a valuable resource for the community and guide future initiatives.
  • Promoting the GenAI Landscape: To share our insights and foster engagement, we will create a blog post explaining and promoting the GenAI landscape. This will help raise awareness and encourage collaboration among stakeholders.
  • Building Relationships with GenAI Model Producers and Users

A key aspect of our mission is to build strong relationships with GenAI Model producers and users. By understanding their requirements, we can uncover opportunities for collaboration and innovation. The deliverables for this objective include:

    • Inviting Model Producers to Speak: We will invite model producers to speak at our workstream and Commons meetings. Their insights will provide valuable perspectives and inspire new ideas.
    • Engaging Model Producers in MOT: We will invite model producers to participate in the Model Openness Tool (MOT), where they can contribute to shaping the future of GenAI.
  • Engaging with Users and Application Developers: We will facilitate discussions for GenAI model users and application developers regarding use cases, user experiences, the current pain points and share solutions.
  • Conducting Open Strategy Research: We will invite model producers and enterprise users to participate in Open Strategy Research interviews and surveys to gain deeper insights. Their feedback will guide our strategic initiatives and ensure alignment with industry needs.

Join Us 

The merger of these two working groups marks a significant milestone for Generative AI Commons. We are excited about its opportunities and potential for driving innovation in GenAI.

We invite all stakeholders, researchers, developers, and enthusiasts to join us on this exciting journey. Together, we can shape the future of Generative AI and create a vibrant ecosystem that benefits everyone.

Stay tuned for updates, and feel free to reach out if you’re interested in participating or learning more about our initiatives.

To learn more and get involved, subscribe to the MAD Workstream mailing list and join the community on Slack.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for Generative AI Commons.

LF AI & Data Resources

Access other resources on LF AI & Data’s GitHub or Wiki.